Career Search for Veterans

Type in your MOS code, NEC, or AFSC below to match your skills to pharmacy career opportunities.

Put Your Military Skills to Work in a Pharmacy Career
Transitioning from the military to a civilian career? Our veterans' job search is here to support you in finding a rewarding opportunity in pharmacy. Type in your MOS, NEC, or AFSC code to discover pharmacy positions that relate to your military skills.

Career Resources for Veterans

Veterans, are you ready to kickstart your pharmacy career? Head over to our blog for expert advice, valuable resources, and strategies to navigate your way to success with confidence!
Great Pharmacy Career Options for Former Military As a military veteran, have you explored the range of pharmacy career options available to you? Rx relief shares some different career paths.
The Value of Hiring Veterans in Your Pharmacy Are you currently hiring for your pharmacy? Rx relief weighs in on why you should consider hiring veteran talent.
Why Veterans Should Consider a Career Path in Pharmacy Are you a military veteran? Our team at Rx relief weighs in on why veterans should consider a career in the pharmaceutical industry.